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Tyre Pressure, What You Need To Consider

Tyre-Pressure-What-You-Need-To-Consider Guta TPMS

Driving safely is a hot topic that is still up to date. One of the starting points about this subject is tire maintenance. Tire maintenance is crucial not only for your safety but also for your car. Maintaining proper tire pressure is the easiest, quickest, and inexpensive way to care for you and your vehicle.

We will explore the relevant factors you need to consider on tire pressure. However, we encourage you to search for a specialist when in doubt.

Factors influencing tire pressure



One major factor that affects tire pressure is temperature. Either summer or winter, both have their effect and should be taken into account. One of these effects is that temperature influences the pressure inside your tire and throws the exact numbers off.

During summer, we recommend lowering the tire pressure from 30-32psi. This is because high temperatures increase the pressure inside the tire. When you decrease the pressure, it will balance the values.

But, winter can lower your tire pressure down. This means that increasing to 35 psi is a good option. 

To get a bit more specific, remember that for each 10° F (5.6° c) decrease in temperature, the tire pressure will drop by 1 psi in most passenger vehicles.

2. Load and type of vehicle

Whether you overinflate or underinflate your tire will affect its performance. This will lead to serious problems and not to mention safety reasons. And every car ́s pressure will vary according to its usage and weight.

As a general knowledge, you have to know the following psi according to the type of vehicle you drive:

Car -- 32 -- 35 psi

SUV -- 40 --42 psi

Trucks -- 50 -- 60 psi (this will vary depending if it is a larger truck since these can go upwards to 105 psi)

Now also consider the weight. The heavier the car, the more pressure your tires need. This will help the vehicle to support from the front and rear. Additionally, you need to add more pressure where the car's heavier parts are allocated.

Remember that even though you are increasing your car's tire pressure, it should always be in the recommended tire pressure range.

3. Driving conditions

While driving, you will encounter different surfaces and conditions, and here the grip is essential since it will be affected by tire pressure.

The grip is associated with the size of the contact between the tire and the road. When you overinflate your tire, this will decrease the contact, while underinflated tires do the opposite.

Proper pressure will avoid hazardous events such as hydroplaning. Hydroplaning is when a layer of water builds between your tire and the road surface. This will lead to loss of traction and loss of control.

Hydroplaning occurs, especially if your tires are underinflated.

If your driving conditions are in sand terrain (for instance, a beach) or even in the mountains, you should consider deflating your tires. This is so as it will provide more flexibility to your tires and more grip. If your tires are overinflated, then in the case of the mountain, you have a higher risk of puncture, and in sandy terrain, you might get stuck faster.

Another factor to consider with proper tire pressure is the wear and tear of your tire. Tires will wear out prematurely just because the tire pressure is inadequate.

4. Fuel economy

According to Newton, the less friction between two surfaces, the less force there is to be made to keep one surface moving. This can be transferred to your car's fuel consumption. The resistance to your tires and the road will affect your fuel consumption. 

As mentioned earlier, the more surface there is, the more force needs to be applied, meaning if your tire is underinflated, there is more fuel consumption.

Maintenance of tire pressure

Proper check-ups of your tire are essential for the overall performance of your vehicle. This can be done at home with some basic tools, and if in doubt, you can also check the manufacturer’s manual.

1. Monthly check-ups

Owning a car requires monthly checkups. From oil, water, windshields and not to forget tire pressure. Inspecting your tire pressure is essential because, on average, tires lose 1 psi of tire pressure every month. This can be affected if temperature changes.


You can also prevent or anticipate your check-up with your TPMS monitor, which will show you the tire pressure of each tire.

2. How to check the tire pressure

The first is using a tool named gauge.This is a small tool that you insert over the 

valve of the tire, and it will show you the pressure in PSI. 

Hold it firmly over the valve until there is no air hissing out. According to temperature this will affect your tire pressure. The most accurate option is to test it when the tires are cold and have not been exposed to the sun.

The second way to check your tire pressure is without tools. Here your senses can give you an idea.

Observe how your wheels act if you add some weight, this will give you a clue if your pressure is low. Feeling the tires can determine if there is enough pressure inside

How the car handles. If this changes along the journey, you should first consider your tires.

If your tires are over or under-inflated, use the air compressor to fill them. Once you have done so, make sure to read their pressure at least half an hour later so you are certain that they are cold, and the reading is accurate.

3.Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)

 A TPMS uses either a direct sensor inside your valve system or a combination of both software and other existing sensor in your vehicle. This system will let you know when your tire pressure is outside its safe range pressures. 

Adding this device to your car will enhance the tire pressure. When a tire has dropped 25% of its recommended pressure, an indicator will light up on the dashboard. It has a U shape form and an exclamation point inside it.

For further information about the benefits of owning a TPMS sensor, you can click here, and if you have just bought one, you can click here on how to install a TPMS sensor.


In conclusion

Tire pressure can be tricky. However, if you take into consideration temperature, monthly check-ups, getting a gauge and a TPMS monitor. You will enhance your tire´s lifespan. 

For more information about our TPMS monitors head to our  website and find out which one is more suitable for your vehicle.